Organized by / Organizate de: Societatea Academica "MATEI-TEIU BOTEZ" Academic Society [access / acceseaza]
In cooperation with / In cooperare cu: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services, Iasi, Romania [access / acceseaza]

hosted by / gazduit de:




   Three scientific events are organized each year. These already became a tradition and are awaited with great interest by the academic community from Romania but also our friends from other countries. This is meant to cover the scientific necessities concerning:
  • New trends in transportation infrastructure engineering;
  • Approach of civil engineering problems through interdisciplinary research;
  • Problems of transmission of information and knowledge within academic community and from universities to the public.
     In fiecare an sunt organizate trei manifestari stiintifice. Acestea au devenit deja traditie si sunt asteptate cu interes de comunitatea academica din Romania dar si de prietenii din alte tari. Prin aceasta se doreste sa se acopere necesitatile stiintifice privind:
  • Noile tendinte in ingineria infrastructurii transporturilor;
  • Tratarea problemelor din ingineria civila prin cercetare interdisciplinara;
  • Probleme de transmiterea informatiilor si cunostintelor in interiorul mediului academic si dinspre universitati spre public.




  • 26 Februarie 2010

    Al III-lea Simpozion "Creatii universitare" 2010 - Evaluarea sistemelor de constructie, Iasi, Romania,
    Invitatie (Format PDF); Formatul articolului (Document MS-Word).

  • December 11, 2009

    HBE2009, 7th International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2009" , Iasi, Romania,
    Invitation (English - PDF format); Paper format (MS-Word Document).

  • May 22, 2009
    7th International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2009", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • December 12, 2008
    6th International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2008", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • May 30, 2008
    6th International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2008", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • December 7, 2007
    5th International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2007", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • May 25, 2007
    5th International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2007", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium - part I(PDF format);
    Proceedings of the Symposium - part II(PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • December 15, 2006
    4th International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2006", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • May 26, 2006
    4th International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2006", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • December 16, 2005
    3rd International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2005", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • May 27, 2005
    3rd International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2005", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • December 17, 2004
    2nd International Symposium: "Highway and Bridge Engineering 2004", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • May 24, 2004
    2nd International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2004", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).

  • October 24, 2003
    1st International Symposium: "Computational Civil Engineering 2003", Iasi, Romania ,
    Proceedings of the Symposium (PDF format);
    Cover of the CD of Proceedings of the Symposium (.ec1 format).